Innovative instrument for comprehensive reporting
Common good balancing is a particularly comprehensive form of sustainability reporting based on Christian Felber's concept of the economy of the common good. It aims to determine and evaluate the impact of the company in a broader social context. Unlike regular sustainability reports, which are based heavily on the voluntary disclosure of information, the common good balance sheet applies strict standards.
Evaluation of five fields with four criteria
In the audit, five areas (suppliers, owners, customers, employees and society) are assessed on the basis of four criteria (human dignity, solidarity/justice, ecology and transparency/co-decision-making). The evaluation is based on a point system, which enables a clear classification of the performance and a comparison with other companies.
Doing business for the good of society
The Bavarian constitution states in Article 151: "All economic activity serves the common good". With this self-image in mind, Topp Textil also strives to align its own activities in such a way that they have the most positive impact possible on nature and society. The common good balance sheet now offers an initial assessment of the current situation, after which further improvements are to follow.